Kastilo Technische Gewebe GmbH




The broad variety of Kastilos fabrics with different surfaces offer a lot of applications in the aerospace industry and lightweight constructions. The PTFE fabrics are used in the compacting of felts and non-woven materials as well as in the production of glass fibre reinforced plastics (GRP, CRP, ARP).

The impregnation of glass fibre fabrics with an epoxide or other resins demands for a high standard laminating machine and conveyor belts. Kastilo conveyor belts offer a Magic surface. A melt processible PTFE film is applied on the surface of the belts. All micro cracks are sealed, and an additional barrier is introduced. This results in less adhesion of the resin to the belt - and a longer belt lifetime.

Do you want to know more about laminating?
Contact us!

Contact Person

Peter Härle

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Philipp Kümmerle
Customer Support & Technology

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